Julia is honored to have studied with
- Sandra Sammartino: Yoga teacher training 200 & 500 hour level & Yoga teacher trainer.
- Leila Stuart: therapeutic Yoga & anatomy
- Paul Grilley: Yin Yoga
- Beth Triano: Phenix Rising Therapeutic Yoga Level One and Two
- Unnatta Aerial Yoga trained and certified with Michelle Dornitag
- Bikram Choudhury: Bikrams Hot Yoga
- Anodea Judith: Chakra’s
- Maala: Kids Yoga Janice Clarfied Pre-natal Yoga
- Beryl Bender Birch: Power Yoga
Inspired by teachers or workshops and training with Shiva Rea (Vinyasa flow), Esther Meyers, BKS Iyengar, Anodea Judith, Mark Whitwell, Martin Kirk.
Above all I give sincere and heartfelt thanks with great gratitude to the wonderful students that grace my life for you are my greatest teachers and inspirations. Om Shanti Julia
Julia is also a certified Pilate’s teacher, B.C.R.P.A fitness leader, weight training instructor, third age (senior) fitness instructor, personal trainer, Reiki practitioner, Thai massage level 1 & 2 and studied Qi Gong with Jeff Primack at Supreme Science.
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