I was first introduced to Julia’s Yoga classes 3 years ago.  I had never taken a Yoga class before and had no idea what it was all about.  I was a little nervous but I love trying new things so I went for it.  My first class was all I needed, I was hooked!  The initial thing that got me was the comfortable and welcoming feeling I received from not only Julia but from the other Yogi’s at Free Spirit.  As a new mom I really appreiated and needed this time to myself and to be to be surrounded by uplifting, supportive, non-judgemental and fun people. Julia has a way of making each class special and different, she know how to challenge you and how to get you to challenge yourself without you realizing it until you do it….. and then you are left with a feeling of amazement and pride. There are so many roles Yoga plays in my life.  I have always been a spiritual person and believed that having a healthy body and lifestyle is part of having a healthy mind and spirit.   Yoga gives you that space to be in the moment, let go of all stress and worry and just be.  I crave Yoga, I need it and when I have to miss a class I really notice it in every part of my life.  Thanks to Julia’s classes Yoga has become a part of me, or maybe it just brings out a part of me that was always there.  It gives me gratitude, strength, flexibility, awareness, compassion, confidence, humility, patience, peace, connection, friendship, love and more.  I thank Julia for sharing all of that with me and being part of my journey.  Forever grateful, Namaste.
- Crystal Murphy
Over the past 8 years Julia you have given me the gifts of strength, patience, and belief in my body.  Your studio has been a safe place for me and I value the space and you each time I enter.  I always know you will be there to welcome me without judgement.  Thanks for brining your full self to your classes.
- Tracey B
Thank you so much for the years of guidance and love and your wonderful yoga classes.  You and your yoga have shown me a different way of life.
- Julia Heischler
I am a new student to Yoga, and feel so fortunate to have begun my practice with Julia.  She is a kind and gracious person, forever supporting and encouraging her students’ bodies and minds.  Each class is thoughtfully choreographed and tailored to the needs of each person.  She is passionate about teaching and has inspired me in so many ways. Thank you, Julia
- Pamela Linde
Yoga is a lifestyle that gives so much more than what you put in.  I feel that an hour a day, dedicated to your growth, whether it be spiritual, physical, or both, is a gift that only you can give yourself.  I choose to give myself the gift of Yoga each and every day and I have Julia to thank for that.
- Laura Rowlett
I just love being in your place of love and goodness!  From the first moment I set foot in your studio, I knew that this is EXACTLY the place I needed to be!   You are a wonderful, kind and loving woman and I am learning so much from you.  You make me feel ok to feel what I am feeling in the present moment. I am healing as I surround myself with yoga and all the beautiful people that come to you.  It is a wonderful energy. Thank you for everything that you do and I am so grateful you are in my life.
- Love Lorna Tower
Julia, kind, friend, mentor, confidant, inspiration, compassion, laughter, love, support, wisdom, dedication These are all words I think of when I think of you. Thank you for being a part of my life.
- Smiles Jane Gallagher
Julia is truly one of a kind.  She lives, breaths and exudes Yoga with every step and beat of her heart.  She is an extremely kind, gentle soul who hold so much fire and passion for life.  Her knowledge base of  not just the physical practices of Yoga,  but all of it’s intertwining philosophies is astounding.  I feel truly blessed to be a student and fellow Yoga teacher under her guidance and find myself transforming each day.
- Dayna Torvik
My thanks and appreciation for your guidance and lessons throughout the years. You encourage me to stay healthy and confident.  I do hope to be able to come to your classes for many more years you come.
- your faithful student and friend, Namaste Ine